Creating Chances


Creating Chances Trust supports the education and training of children in care and care leavers.

The trust name embraces our aim to provide the best chances and support systems to facilitate a successful journey through the education system for looked after children.

Primarily, we work with children in care who live in the Black Country area but we will do our best to support looked after children from the greater West Midlands region.

Very few looked after children make it to university and many of care leavers are without work and independent incomes as a result of underachievement in education and skills training.

The fact is that a care leaver has a greater chance at 18 of being in prison than attending a university.

But we know that education is transformational; it generates hope, independence and self respect.

Working with the University of Wolverhampton and the new Aspire to University Programme (A2U) and the local authority virtual school head teachers, we aim to transform the life chances of looked after children.

"For you and me it's another day in paradise" - so the song goes - but this is most definitely not the case for many of our children in care.

Progressing through the education system and on to university education is a critical first step in improving the life chances of looked after children.